Honorary Trustees
Jimmy Carter
Former US President
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Afsanheh Mashayekhi Beschloss
Founder and CEO, RockCreek
Daniel Carroll
Founding Partner, Brooklands Capital Strategies
Steven Chu
Professor of Physics and of Molecular & Cellular Physiology, Stanford University Former U.S. Secretary of Energy
John B. Hardman
Former President and CEO, The Carter Center
Stephen T. Isaacs
Former President and CEO, Aduro Biotech
Mark R. Laret
Former President and CEO of UCSF Health
Jerry Ng
Founder and Chairman of Bank Jago
Michelle Nunn
President and CEO, CARE USA
Mark Andrew & Virginia Rudd
Trustees, The Rudd Family Foundation
Arun Sarin
Former CEO, Vodafone Group
S. Shankar Sastry
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Erica Stone
President, American Himalayan Foundation
Laura D. Tyson
Professor, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
Mark Yudof
Professor, Berkeley Law, UC Berkeley
Trustees Emeriti
Senator Thomas A. Daschle
Senior Policy Advisor, DLA Pipe, LLP Former U.S. Senate Majority Leader
Vinod Khosla
Co-founder, Sun Microsystems Founder, Khosla Ventures
Caio Koch-Weser
Former Chair of Board, European Climate Foundation
Weijan Shan
Chairman and CEO, PAG Group
Robert Reich
Professor, Goldman School of Public Policy UC Berkeley
Trustees Emeriti
Richard C. Blum
Chairman, Blum Capital Partners
George Schultz
Former U.S. Secretary of State