
The Foundation’s main activity is the Slavin Fellowship, which offers support, mentorship, and a scholarship to a limited number of undergraduate and graduate students pursuing potentially world-changing entrepreneurial projects. Fellows also receive a $2,500 scholarship, and students can apply by being nominated by a sponsoring professor with whom the Slavin Foundation can coordinate with throughout the year and who can help review the student’s work.

More Resources

Funding Database


A system that provides a centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding opportunities. Houses information

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Free online donation platform for any size fundraiser to raise funds from family, friends, and the community.

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BMEidea Competition

For biomedical and bioengineering students who have ideas for a health device, product, or technology that will address a current

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Blum Center for Developing Economies
The University of California, Berkeley
Blum Hall, #5570
Berkeley, CA 94720-5570
(510) 643-5316 • blumcenter@berkeley.edu
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© 2024 Blum Center for Developing Economies

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Host and Fellow Responsibilities

Host Organizations

  • Identify staff supervisor to manage I&E Climate Action Fellow
  • Submit fellowship description and tasks
  • Engage in the matching process
  • Mentor and advise students
  • Communicate with Berkeley program director and give feedback on the program.

Berkeley Program Director​

  • Communicate with host organizations, students, and other university departments to ensure smooth program operations

Student Fellows

  • Complete application and cohort activities
  • Communicate with staff and host organizations
  • Successfully complete assignments from host organization during summer practicum
  • Summarize and report summer experience activities post-fellowship